Honeycomb Plate Properties

Honeycomb cross section

Define the following terms as

t = total face sheet thickness (both sheets together)
d = total core depth
E = Young's modulus of face sheets
nu = Poissons ratio (Greek letter)
g = material density of face sheet material
gc = material density of core
I' = bending mom. of inertia/width of plate
K = membrane stiffness of plate (composite)
D = bending stiffness of plate (composite)
w = weight per unit area of plate (composite)

From classical plate theory, considering only the face sheets to carry in-plane stresses:

Equation 1 membrane stiffness of plate (Eq. 1)

Equation 2 bending stiffness of plate (Eq. 2)

(NOTE: Shear flexibility of the plate is not included.)

Where I' is the bending moment of inertia of the honeycomb plate per unit width:

Equation 3

For d >> t, I' simplifies to:

Equation 4 (Eq. 3)

Equation 5

The weight per unit area of the plate is

Equation 6

Thus, the stiffness to weight ratios (membrane and bending) are

Equation 7

Equation 8

Define nondimensional stiffness/weight ratios

Equation 9 membrane

Equation 10 bending

Instructions for creating a NASTRAN PSHELL card for honeycomb panels.

Jim Loughlin