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    FEMCI Workshop 2003 Posters

    Six of the poster presenters at this year's workshop submitted their posters for the FEMCI website. We want to thank all the poster presenters who attended the workshop and a special thank you to those below for providing us with electronic versions of their work.

  • Frank Baginski, Michael Barg, Stacey Vezina, Laura Cadonati, William Collier, and Willi Schur - George Washington University
    An Optimization-Based Approach to Membrane Problems Arising in the Analysis of Gossamer Structures
    Acrobat Acrobat Format - 645KB

  • Tony Davenport - MSC Software Corp.
    Bending MSC.Patran Seesions Files to Your Will with Unix Scripting
    Acrobat Acrobat Format - 199KB

  • John Johnston - NASA GSFC, Joe Blandino - James Madison University, Jonathan Black - George Washington University, Richard Pappa - NASA Langley Research Center
    Structural Analysis and Testing of a 1/20th Scale NGST Sunshield Membrane Layer
    Acrobat Acrobat Format - 1.2MB

  • John Johnston, Keith Parrish - NASA GSFC
    Thermal-Structural Analysis of Sunshield Membranes
    Acrobat Acrobat Format - 605KB

  • Dr. William Case - MYSTRAN
    MYSTRAN Finite Element Analysis Code
    Acrobat Acrobat Format - 91KB

  • Dan Powell - NASA GSFC
    Oriented Nanotube Composites
    Coming soon!