Workshop presentations are given below. All are in Adobe Acrobat format and most are also in Microsoft Powerpoint format. Not all presentations were made available by their authors. Any questions regarding the content of the presentations should be directed to the author of the work and not to FEMCI.
Authors |
Presentation Title |
Files |
1. W.D. Zhu, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County |
A Novel Stochastic Model for the Random Impact Series Method in Modal Testing |
Adobe Acrobat
2. Abed M. Khaskia, Mallett Technologies & Dat Duthinh, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Finite-Element Analysis of Structures with Insulation Damage in Fire |
Adobe Acrobat
3. Victor Eyo, GSFC, Wallops Flight Facility |
A Formulation for a 1-D Finite Element With Anisotropic Wall Material Properties |
Adobe Acrobat
4. Kun He & Weidong Zhu, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County |
Finite Element Modeling of Structures with L-Shaped Beams and Bolted Joints for Vibration Analysis and Damage Detection |
(Presentation not available) |
5. Zoran N. Martinovic, NASA Langley Research Center |
Study of Orbiter-like Cargo Carrier on Crew Launch Vehicle |
Adobe Acrobat
6. Thomas A. Zang, NASA Langley Research Center |
NASA Standard for .Models & Simulations |
Adobe Acrobat
7. Michael Rice, Corey Fleischer, Professor Marc Zupan, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County |
The Mechanics and Behavior of Hybrid Sandwich Structures |
Adobe Acrobat |
8. KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Dr. Charles Camarda, NASA Engineering Safety Center (NESC) |
The Role of Research and Development in the Return-to-Flight of the Space Shuttle |
(Presentation not available) |
9. Manohar D. Deshpande & Michael E. Van Steenberg, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Analysis and Design of Multi-Wave Dilectrometer (MWD) for Characterization of Planetary Subsurface Using Finite Element Method |
Adobe Acrobat
10. Weidong Zhu, Guangyao Xu, & Ben Emory, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County |
Vibration-Based Structural Damage Detection: Theory and Applications |
(Presentation not available) |